Monday, January 24, 2011

Big Mac Index

1) In Norway a Big Mac costs 7.02 dollars.
2) The Swiss Franc is overvalued against the US dollar by 75%.
3) In Britain a Big Mac is 9p more expensive than in the USA
4) In Japan the cost of a Big Mac is the same.
5) Chinese currency is least expensive in the chart.
6) USA citizens eat more burgers than the rest of the world .


Cheng said...

The information seems to be posted without any link. Can we think a way to put the information together more logically.

Anonymous said...

All these statements are true, except 6 do not have sufficent information.

Juelma ;) said...

Juelma ;)

YEHUI said...


Anonymous said...

1.True 2.True 3.False 4.True 5.True 6.we don't know