Monday, November 09, 2009

Summary Writing Follow-Up Language Work

Notes from today's class are available here. You may also be interested in this model version of the task you attempted. Let me know what you think of it:

Thursday, November 05, 2009

Graduate Diploma Class Notes

As requested and promised, I've uploaded the notes we made in class today. There are three separate word files:

-Notes on prepositions

-Notes on essay organisation

-My survey and model(ish) summary

Incidentally, I have no idea why Maggie thinks that English food is greasy...

Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Why this man is crying, and other Wednesday wonders

The PPT from today's class is here, and I've also uploaded the notes I made on love, implying and inferring, and the use of hyphens. To find out whether this Japanese man was crying or sneezing, you can read this story from the Guardian website.

Monday, November 02, 2009

Developing Listening Skills : Podcasts

There are lots of free resources available to anyone who wants to improve their listening skills, and below I have put together a list of links which could provide you with audio material and podcasts which you can access for free and practice listening to in your free time. You'll need some software to manage subscriptions to podcasts, and iTunes is an obvious choice, with its own searchable podcast directory.

To start with some slightly less academic material, it's worth visiting the audio/visual pages of the Economist website. The BBC website also has audio and video supplements to its news stories, which allow you to read text and then listen to an oral version of the same story (not the same words though). The BBC also provide a huge bank of podcasts on a range of topics. Navigate the menus on this page to find something relevant to your field. The Guardian has a similar wealth of audio material on mostly serious subjects here. Extra software is not necessary for audio provided by the Guardian.

For more academic listening materials, openculture is a useful hub of links to universities all around the world offering free audio resources. Universities with lectures available as podcasts include Bath and Ulster.

I think that should be more than enough to keep you going. Let me know if you need any suggestions as to activities to do while listening to these recordings.

Graduate Diploma Class Materials

In case you didn't finish copying answers down from the board (or is it just a wall) this morning, I've uploaded the PPT file from today's class here. Last Thursday's class PPT is now here too.