Thursday, September 13, 2007

Writing Complex Sentences

There's a short exercise in using relative clauses to creat complex sentences if you click here. Alternatively you can download the class handout here. A simplified option is this:

Hopefully, none of these statements should be true for you:

- I hate people
- I never eat food
- I can’t stand films
- I never go to places

So, can you extend the sentences to make them true for you.

Did you use any of these devices?

I hate people who…
I never eat food which…
I can’t stand films in which…
I never go to places where…

For more practice, try to extend each expression using all the alternative devices listed below:

I hate people who…with whom…because…

I never eat food with…when…from…containing…made…

I can’t stand films starring…made…featuring…

I never go to places which…in which…from which…

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